Partner With Us

Prayer Partner

We desire your prayer covering for this ministry. We recognize the power and authority that comes through prayer. We ask you to pray daily for each aspect of RLHM that we will successfully fulfill God’s will. The apostle James informed us of the importance and power of prayer, “The effective fervent prayer of a righteous person can accomplish much” (James 5:16). Your prayers will help us to help others.


Financial Partner

It takes money to do ministry and we believe that money follows effective ministry. Please pray about becoming a financial partner. Your sponsorship will allow a pastor/leader to complete their studies in one of our schools of ministry and/or to attend our conferences for continual training. Your giving will provide a great opportunity for pastors and leaders to be trained and encouraged to fulfill God’s call upon their lives. No gift is too small to make a difference.

We sincerely thank you for your continued prayers and financial support for RLHM. If you have any questions, please contact us.