Northwest & Central Africa 2021 Update

Restrictions imposed by the Corona Virus have certainly hindered but did not cease Richard L. Hamm Ministries from advancing and fulfilling the call of God. We are delighted to announce that we recently had graduations for two of our schools of ministry in Kenya and the other in Burundi. This is our third graduating class in Kenya and our first in the country of Burundi. We are excited about the strong possibility of opening two new schools in Kenya, Rwanda and Zimbabwe in the near future. We also appreciate the faithfulness of Pastor Martha Yormie and Pastor George Tarlue in Liberia for keeping the two schools of ministry operating during these difficult times. Both schools are continuing to grow. Pastor Martha and Pastor George were in our first graduating class in Liberia in May of 2014. How blessed we are to have our alumni  teaching and training others through our school of ministry.


2022 Greetings